Our Testimonials
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What Our Students Have to Say
Hi I am Kumudini Kolwate, MBBS Students of JJ.
Medical College, Mumbai
I am really thankful to Kalptaru Coaching
Classes and its all staff including all teachers and organisor Mr. Krunal Padalwar Sir. They have arrange the classes for 45 to 50 days but with whole package of teaching Test Series which had been proved very helpful to me. Because of their proper guidence teaching and support and love of my Mom-Dad I had successful qualified MHT-CET and IEE - Main and Adv. Exam. Its my pleasure that I had been part of such best classes. I really thank them for leading me towards bright future.

Kumudini Kolwate, MBBS
From JJ Medical College, Mumbai
Hi I am Monali Gangakachur student of Kalpataru Coaching Classes pursuing MBBS from S.V.N. GMC college Yavatmal.
I'm really thankful to God because he blessed me with such caring teachers which not only showed us the right path but also took us on that path by holding our hand. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and specially Mr. Krunal sir of Kalpataru Coaching
Classes for making us believe that we can achieve anything we want. Thanks again all the best to all
NEET aspirant.

Monali Gangakachur, MBBS
From Govt. Medical College, Yavtmal
Kalpataru Institute have best teaching staff, they teach me so nicely and because of them I can able to score good marks in Medical Entrance Exam.
And I am honor to say that I am part of Kalpataru Institute. I study here and I achived my success.
Iam very thankful to Mr. Krunal sir who helped me to Crack NEET examination and his motivation still inspires me.
Sachin Kannake
NKP Medical College, Nagpur

Sachin Kannake, MBBS
From NKP Medical College, Nagpur
Hi I am Bhushan Karsi, I am student of Kalptaru Coaching classes Pursuing MBBS from NKP Salave Medical college, Nagpur.
Teachers were very helping and the way of their Teaching made my Dream come true & I am very thankful to Mr. Krunal sir who helped me to Crack NEET examination and his motivation still
inspires me.
belived in me.
And I am very thankful to sir that he

Bhushan Karsi, MBBS
From NKP Medical College, Nagpur
Hi I am Abhishek V. Shende Ex. Student of Kalptaru Accademy. Now pursuing MBBS from GM.C. Yavatmal. To the point as a experience theire's a lot of things to share with you. I Complete my Crash Course from this class.. seriouly this been very beneficial for me... heres teaching staff is always a student friendly and a source motivation... regular teaching, time for selfstudy and test scries or enough for entrance... thanks to Krunal sir for giving proper guidence and direction. In last just belive in yourself and hard work difenatly gonna pay for it and dont be gate depress during exams days. Best of luck to all aspirant...

Abhishek Shende, MBBS
Govt. Medical College, Yavtmal
Hi I am Gayatri Lalaji Martkar, MBBS student at Dr. Panjabrao Deshmuk Medical College Amravati.
I am very glad say this achivement is biggest turning point of my life. Its was my gratitude for joining the Kalptaru Academy and its experinced teaching faculty to help bring this success toward me. Krunal sir founder of Kalptaru Accademy help from selection to admission in medical college. My immense gratitude to Kalptaru Academy and Krunal Sir.

Gayatri Martkar, MBBS
PDMC, Amravati
I am Harsha Uikey, I took coaching from Kalptaru Classes Kalptaru is best Institute which excellent faculties giving excellent result. They provide good invironment for students. Teacher put a lot of effort for the sake of students because of them I can able to score good marks in NEET Exams. I would like to thanks all teachers and Krunal Sir for guidence and inspiration and coungratulation for completing successfully 10th Year of Kalptaru Academy.

Harsh Uikey, MBBS
Govt. Medical College, Gondia
कल्पतरु अॅकॅडमीमध्ये मला खुप काही शिकायला मिळाले. त्यातील अनुभव खुप सुंदर होता. सगळे शिक्षकवृंद व कृणाल सर सर्व विद्याथ्यांशी जिव्हाळ्याने वागायचे. ते नेहमी विद्यार्थ्यांना सहकार्य करायचे. नेहमी प्रोत्साहित करायचे, सर्व शिक्षक वृंद तसेच राहण्याची व जेवणाची उत्तम सुविधा होती. प्रत्येक शंकाचे निरसन व्हायचे. मला रिपीट करून नीट परीक्षा द्यावी याची प्रेरणा मला येथून मिळाली व माझ्या यशामध्ये नक्कीच कल्पतरूचा वाटा आहे.

Kupar Talande, MBBS
Govt. Medical College, Gondia